Primary 7 have had an exciting and enjoyable term which has gone so fast. The pupils were fortunate to work with Mr Campbell, an English Teacher from Renfrew High School, in developing their skills in Critical Essay writing through their study of the Burns' Poem “To a Mouse”.
Kickstart continues to run on a fortnightly basis and the pupils have become more confident in their delivery of the aerobic and circuit classes. The team selected a range of weights to purchase with their profits and so the children will undertake more training just before Easter with Mr Millar (PE Lead officer).
A team of P7 pupils from Kirklandneuk Primary took part in the Rotary Club annual cluster quiz hosted by Arkleston Primary. They demonstrated their excellent general knowledge skills and were well supported by their peers and our mascot the “Kirky Croc”.
Term 3 in Primary 7B
We really enjoyed our trip to Paisley Museum in February where we took part in a range of activities to extend our knowledge of World War II. We also held our fantastic Open evening on Wednesday 19th March where we entertained our guests with a drama, assembly and our excellent singing of some war songs. We enjoyed celebrating our hard work and excellent writing with our families. Our parents took part all our activities and were very impressed by our classroom. The children felt very proud showing off their high standard of work and sharing their new knowledge with their parents. Our feedback from parents was fantastic and we really appreciate your comments. Well done P7 all the hard work really paid off!
The Primary 7 pupils also organised an event for the Senior Citizens in the local community on Monday 24th March. The pupils invited some local care homes and their families to attend. Our guests enjoyed hearing about the children's learning and some even enjoyed singing along with the pupils to the WW2 songs.
There is loads more to look forward to in Term 4 including the Residential trip, activity week, Transition programme, school show and many more!
Thank you Primary 7B for all your hard work and enthusiasm. Have a wonderful Easter break from all in Room 16.
Primary 7B have had a fantastic and busy start to term 3. The pupils have been busy with Kickstart, running three sessions in January to get our families off to a healthy start in the New Year. We have enjoyed learning new skills in ICT led by our Digital Leaders. They did a fantastic job teaching us how to use Animoto and we created some great videos. Well done to our two reps.
We have really enjoyed participating in World of Work, developing our knowledge of a wide range of careers.
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We enjoyed talks from a Nurse, Police Inspector, PE Teacher, Graphic Designer, Retail Manager, CEO, Careers Advisor, Student Teacher, Nursery Nurse, Development Officer, Coaches from St Mirren Football Club, Marketing Officer, Sound and Lighting Engineer and many more. It has been an invaluable week in allowing us to compare the various occupations and develop an understanding of the qualifications and skills required in each role. We ended our week with a Work Cluedo event where we had to interview a range of guests and guess their occupations. We are so grateful to our guests who helped to make it such a success.
We have also started our Social Studies topic, studying World War 2 – The Home Front. During this term we will develop our skills in Literacy, Numeracy, Drama, Art and Music through our topic. We have created a learning plan and we are looking forward to developing our knowledge of how the war impacted on the people of Britain. We are going to visit Paisley Museum later in the month for a WW2 exhibition to enhance our topic.
We enjoyed a visit to Arkleston Primary on 3rd February organised by the Renfrew Development Trust. Our pupils participated in a competition to design the new logo for the Trust and enjoyed seeing the winning entries with the Renfrew cluster.
Term 2 in Primary 7b
We have had an amazing and eventful time this term and have some fantastic news and information to share.
As part of our Kickstart project we have been learning about Nutrition and the benefits of each food groups. We kept food diaries and analysed our eating habits! We were very fortunate to have the opportunity to visit the Home Economics Department at Renfrew High and cook a nutricious recipe - tasty Lentil soup! We developed our technology skills, learning to grate, chop, peel, slice and dice a range of vegetables carefully following the recipe. Kindly, Mrs Campbell delivered the soup to us the following day and we thoroughly enjoyed it! Many of our class have since made this soup at home!